Sunday, November 28, 2004

You don't have to be as stuffed as the turkey

Lots of people over the holidays cheated on their diets. With another holiday almost here it will happen agian. People will gorge theirselves and promise to stop when the ball drops for the New Year. Seems to be that the demand these days is to diet so here are a few solutions to overeating. Medical director of the weight-loss Web site and a professor at Northwestern University School of Medicine, groups holiday overeaters into three categories: mindless munchers, heavy portioners and emotional eaters.

If you happen to be a muncher it is recomended that you avoid buffets and little foods such as dish candy.

If you have problems with portions, they recomend to get a smaller plate and to eat slower. Also, don't load up your fork while your still chewing. By eating slower you have more time to realize when you really are full. I myself tend to be a heavy portioner overeater during the holidays : )

If you eat when you are emotional, they suggest that you create a list of things other than food that make you feel good. When a "breakdown binge" is about to happen use the list to help you through it.

These are just suggestions to help you control yourselves over the holidays. For those of you who diet hard core this site also has more in depth ideas to help you stay true to your diets. Ladies enjoy.

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