Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Ridge Resigns Homeland Security Post

Tuesday morning, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge submitted his resignation to President Bush. Because the Department of Homeland Security was new in 2001, Ridge was the first chief of the department and became secretary in 2003. He has watched over six national "orange alerts", which is when government raises security because of concern that an attack may be coming. He said he will stay on the job until February 1. Other people lined up for the new position include Bernard Kerik (the former New York City police commissioner who helped rebuild Iraq's police), Joe Allbaugh (former Federal Emergency Management Agency Director), Mike Leavitt (Environmental Protection Agency Administrator), and Fran Townsend (White House homeland security advisor). The other cabinet members that are leaving include Attorney General John Ashcroft, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.

I think that it is strange that six Cabinet figures in the Bush administration will be replaced, among other changes in the administration. It seems like a lot of changes at once, and I am wondering if this will have a positive or a negative effect on his administration and the economy.

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