Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Holiday Tipping

I never realized this was such a big deal, but apparently there are even rules regarding 'Holiday Tipping.' I guess it really does make sense to give a little extra something to those who provide you with outstanding service day in and day out all year long. Below are a few guides to tipping etiquette this holiday season:

Reward those who make a difference.
Start by looking at people whose work has had the greatest impact on you, like those who take care of your home and your family, particularly your children. One housekeeper no longer takes on regular clients who never tip, because he's working for money, not the love of Joy. This isn't always the case, however many who do work have to pay bills just as you and appreciate the thoughtfulness and recognition for hard work.

Think about those whose services you use frequently.
They may include a beautician, a barber, a doorman, or the newspaper carrier.
In the past few years, more clients have begun to give gifts in lieu of cash. This is probably best considering it is illegal for US Postal workers to accept cash.

Include those who go out of their way.
Those who do things for you that normally wouldn't be expected of them are the ones you really want to focus on.

So this year, think of those who do the most for you and consider giving a little extra something to say thank you for 'a job well done.'


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