Friday, September 29, 2006

How to get the ladies????

Have you ever wondered why Jimi Hendrix got so many ladies. Was he really that attractive was it the guitar, or was it the fact he did acid on a regular basis. What we are going to do is try and successfully find out what gets makes you attractive toward the opposite sex.
You think back to all the popular rock stars, and every single one of them had women all over them, now what did they have they we don't. Lets take Alice Cooper for example is he better looking than most of the guys like you or me, no not really. He had instruments, and he played them well. Now lets take Snoop Dogg, he is not the best looking fellow out there, but he gets all the women. He smokes a lot of pot, right, so there is another quality you have to have. One last example would be Justin Timberlake, he does not do drugs, and does not play an instruments, but he is rich. Lets review:

  • You have to do drugs.
  • You have to act like you can play an instrument.
  • You have to have a lot of money.
  • Do not worry about dressing nice, just do the top three things and you would be good.

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