Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sales Climb at Retailers on Internet

Many people wanted to skip the 6am rush the day after Thanksgiving. It was a rush of people wanting to get there and catch the sales before the product was sold out. However, this year shoppers spent 26 percent more on online purchases than in 2004. Consumers spent $925 million on online retails from Thursday to Sunday. VisaUSA say online buying by their cardholders rose 26 percent. On Monday many continued to shop online getting little work done. Those who shopped online went from 11.1 million to 15 million. Stores such as said Monday was the biggest this holiday season. The three most popular sites were eBay, walmart, and Amazon. Internet sales were rising at a remarkable rate while shoppertrack, which keeps track of store sales, said it only rose 0.4 percent since last year. To get shoppers to purchase online many of the sites offered similar incentives as of the stores, and many sent emails out telling details about the sales. Were you one of these online shoppers? Do you think this will have an impact on the stores itself?

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