Sunday, October 30, 2005

Popular Car Colors

PPG industry just did a survey on the most popular car colors for 2005, and met with consultors to discuss probably color hits for 2008-2009 models. At present, silver is the most popular color "due to its appeal among designers to highlight the form and shape of a vehicle" says Lorene Boettcher of PPG. Among other top colors were white in second place, gold and copper, followed by red and blue. PPG's color marketing team has developed 130 new colors to present to designers which include four major color trends. Blue will be popular with the introduction of liquid metal colors and lilac, green with be reintroduced with added sparkle and possibly in blue-green shades, yellow and brown will grow richer and shimmer, and darker reds like cranberry and wine will be introduced. My questions are: why do people prefer certain colors? Does it have to do with a certain trend or what's "in"? And do people choose cars based more on appearance or performance? What will this sales technique do for the automobile market?

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