Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Drug War - To Legalize Marijuana or Not

I have to do an issue poster for one of my graphic design classes, and my issue of choice is the drug war. Basically, I am of the opinion that Marijuana should be legalized. While doing research for my poster I have stumbled across some very interesting information and I would like to see what everyone else in the class thinks.

According to the facts listed on (actual link located in the title of this blog), the top three causes of death in the U.S. are tobacco, inactivity/poor diet, and alcohol. I find it interesting that the three biggest killers in the United States are all legal, yet marijuana, which by itself has never caused a single death, remains illegal. If one of the biggest arguments against legalization is the self-harm caused by marijuana, then why aren't alcohol, laziness, and cigarettes illegal as well?

Another point I find interesting is that in the state of Ohio, possession of marijuana paraphernalia (like a bowl or bong) is considered a misdemeanor and is worth a $750 fine, plus license suspension and 30 days in jail; however, possession of marijuana itself (100 grams or less) is only a civil citation and is worth a fine of $100. If pot is so bad, how come it is more illegal to have a smoking device than to have pot itself? Technically, the smoking device could be used for tobacco, but what legal uses are there the actual pot? (Information found on

Just some food for thought. Let me know what you think.

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