Monday, February 12, 2007

Big Incentives for Polluters

Al Gore and Richard Branson are providing a huge incentive for factories that produce pollution. Whoever can stop producing the most harmful gasses will recieve a prize of $25 million. Along with the prize money, factories are not allowed to just stop producing gasses for a short time then boost their production back up. If this is not an incentive for factories to give up harmful gasses then I don't know what is.


Greg Delemeester said...

Danny, I think you've misinterpreted the focus of the Branson Prize. As I understand the prize, Branson is looking to encourage people to come up with commercially viable technology that will remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This is a little different that asking current polluters like electric utilities to install new filters.

Joshua S. Walker said...

I agree with Dr. Delemeester, when I heard about the announcment that Al Gore and Richard Branson made I read the article to realize that they are offering the hefty chunk of change to somebody who can come up with a "way of extracting greenhouse gases from the atmosphere." I think they are essentially looking for a technical method of "scrubbing" the greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. While the amount is very large the two men are taking on the issue themselves as well in an article that I read ( Branson announced As part of that pledge, the new Virgin Fuels business (part of Virgin Group which Gore and Branson are apart of), whiis planning on investing $400 million in green energy projects over the next three years. An interesting plan...and a big prize. Got an idea?