Saturday, December 04, 2004

Video games calm kids before surgery-More effective than tranquilizers or parental presence

This article talks about a hospital in Trenton, NJ that has been letting children play video games on a Game Boy in the operating room before undergoing surgery. They claim that it will help them relax better than tranquilizers or holding "mommy's hand". Researchers have found that by letting the children play the Game Boy, the childrens anxiety was reduced before the anethesia actually kicked in. They say that this could be especially helpful, because parents are extremely uneasy about tranquilizers being given to their children. They say that these methods have been used before, but never actually in the operating room. The Design Continuum Inc., has even begun testing a "combination anesthesia mask and headset that would allow patients to play video games or listen to music". The hospital is even considering making Game Boy use standard before pediatric surgery.

So my question to you guys, is "if hospitals begin to use Game Boys before pediatric surgery, what effect will it have on the market for game boys?" Another important thing I should mention, is that on place where I found the article) advertisers from,,, and have all took up advertising spots on the website. Game Boy has already recieved free PR from the article itself, not to mention the paid adverstising from other Game Boy stores.

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