Monday, September 27, 2004

Know When Politicians are Lying!

In this election year it is very difficult for some to know who to vote for. Most advertisements only attack the other opponent. When the ads for each opponent are so contradictory how do you know what is true. One night I was watching CBS news and they were talking about the presidential campaign. They mentioned a web site called to find out the true stories. I checked out the web site and it amazes me how much information they send out is not true. Most of the ads we see take the truth and stretch it so far that it really isn't true anymore. On this web site they talk about all the important topics and what the true story is on the war, health care, and of particular interest for our class, the economy. They have new articles on the site frequently and you can click on archive to see some of the articles from previous weeks. Two articles that I found interesting that relate to the economy are, a recent post, "Are Bush and Cheney "Small Businesses?" Their Ad Counts them as Such." and an archived post, " Kerry's Dubious Economics?" The presidential election is very important and I hope that everyone will take the time to become informed and vote.

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