Friday, September 03, 2004

Increased Fuel Economy Sought

I see no point in making more gas efficient cars if they are going to cost more to own. What is the point of saving money on gas if that money saved just goes towards purchasing the car in the first place? Either the $1500 goes towards gas in a cheaper, perhaps less efficient car, or it goes towards a more expensive, gas efficient car. In the long run, the $1500 is spent on the car, regardless of how.

1 comment:

chadmcdaniel said...

It is true that a fuel efficient car would cost more, but since you would be getting better gas milage; you'd be saving money on gas. Although it would probably take a while for the money saved on gas to equal the extra money spent on the new car. I think it'd be worth it to increase the standards, it's going to have to be done sometime with fuel being a limited resource.