Friday, December 01, 2006

60's Are The New Middle Age

These days with many possible plastic surgery procedures, plus the fact that American's are starting to live longer and longer, we are now sliding the scale of middle age. 60 percent of Americans surveyed believe their 60's are the new middle age and globally, three out of five consumers surveyed believed the 40's are the new 30's. With these new statistics, people are showing that age is nothing but a number. Age is more about how you feel these days then what your birth certificate says is your DOB. There is a surgical procedure to fix or alter almost all of the body's imperfections, to keep us looking younger and younger. Because of factors like this, American's are starting to refer to older ages as middle aged.

1 comment:

katiedickson said...

I remember even when I was younger thinking, wow, 50? Thats "gettin up there!" However, my parents are young, just barely in their 40's and I now realize 50 isn't even close to old. Even without the surgeries or pills, just living in today's world, life expectancy is longer.