Friday, November 18, 2005

Oprah support starts run on Nordstrom bras

Oprah Winfrey is not only one of the world's richest women but she is arguably one of the world's most influential women. Her daily talk show, Oprah, is watched faithfully by millions of women across the country. Not to long ago, Oprah hosted a bra and jean fitting segment on her show. She was sponsored by Nordstrom. Just by uttering the words, "If you're watching around the country and you want to know where to go, go to a Nordstrom's nearest you. They're trained to do the fittings." Oprah has increased Nordstrom's sales by 189%. Because Oprah said it was true, it has to be.
What kind of kickback is Oprah getting from saying that she likes a particular brand of clothes or bras? If you were a designer what would you do to convince Oprah, who could increase your sales with a just a few words, that you brand is the best? How much “free” stuff do you think that she receives on a daily basis?

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