Sunday, June 12, 2005

Petrol price dicrease in the time-bargain market

The petrol price decreased last Friday in the Newyouk Time-bargain Market, because the Arlene Hurricane, which happened in Mexico, dose not affect it as the National Hurricane Center alarmed. The price of petrol did not increase, but decrease.

National Hurricane Center announced that the hurricane will break the ways of transportation so that the petrol can not arrived at those places which needed it. The price of petrol will increase to the highest level.

Because the source are scarce, any thing could make the price change. The price of petrol became the most sensitive factor in the world market nowadays.

It is clear that petrol is still the best and the most useful energy nowadays. International Energy Agency announced that the number of petrol the whole world required is 84,300,000 barrel per day, and this number is still increasing in 2005.

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